Oh my goodness, this year went so fast! I can't believe it's
already New Years Eve! Tomorrow is 2013!! WOW! Crazy! But so exciting!
Well, here's a little of what happened this week, not lots
because of it being Christmas and people were either out of town or they didn't
answer their doors LOL
Well, after we woke up Sister Amataga got to call her mom (a
member in another ward saw us at Walmart and bought her a phone card) but it
only gave her 14 minutes to talk :( But at least she got to talk to her for a
few minutes!
And after that we went to dinner at the Bonds family! On our
way over I was telling Sister Amataga that our family Christmas Eve tradition
is pizza and that I would be so happy if I had pizza that night. But I knew
that we wouldn't be. Well, we walk in and on their table is Hungry Howie's, a
pizza parlor place! NO WAY!!! I was getting my pizza for Christmas Eve! It was
so exciting to me!!! It's like she talked to mom or something LOL So we had fun
with them and then we just had a little devotional about Christmas and I sang
Oh, Come All Ye Faithful while Sister Amataga played the piano. So it was a
very fun dinner! The Spirit was so strong as we bore our testimonies, sang, and
the family bore their testimonies.
Then we went over to the Powell's for another Christmas Eve
dinner! And that was good and there I was able to skype with my family!!!
Yay!!! It was really weird to see everyone (except for Bubba)... But it was
good! I really enjoyed it! It was the highlight of my Christmas! I was having a
somewhat hard time not being home for Christmas but getting to see everyone was
so nice and it made up for not being home.
Then on Christmas day, the 25th, we got up at 6:30 am and opened presents. We both got so much! Thanks to my family and my friends! It was a wonderful Christmas! We both got things that we wanted! Especially my footie pajamas ;) I wear them every night now! They are so stinkin' cute! haha
Then we caught up with Elders Gwilliam and Duerson and went
to brunch at one of their members homes, Gina. She has a daughter who's not a
member and since we're over the YSA ward, we were able to go to meet her. The
daughter is somewhat interested and so we just wanted to meet her and have her
get to know us. And while there, Gina let Sister Amataga call her mom again
because Gina has international calling. So Sister Amataga called again and
talked to her mom for about 30 more minutes.
Then not much more happened that day (except for that I met
Jeff Gelalich of the UCLA Bruins baseball team who was drafted by the
Cincinnati Reds.... So that was exciting! (He's a member in the Heritage ward
where the Elders live.)) But later that evening we went with the Elders again
to another members house where we were having dinner. A less active in our
ward, Becky, is the sister of this Sister in the Heritage ward and so we spent
Christmas night with all of them. And that was fun. Except for that by 7:30 I
was getting sick and everyone was saying how quiet I was being (which to me is
just normal but apparently since I've been on my mission I'm a lot more
outgoing.... Weird ;) and I guess I was getting white faced so we went home and
I went to bed.
So it was a great Christmas! We had fun but it wasn't
exactly what I thought it would be (read my email from last week...) But I
can't complain too much. It was good and at least I had the good experiences I
had about how I think of Christmas now :)
Well, Wednesday the 26th, Thursday the 27th and Friday the
28th didn't bring much more. We did a lot of visiting of the active and less
active members in the YSA ward and we did service at St. Dorothy's. And on
Friday we spent about 7 hours doing our weekly planning. It doesn't usually
take that long to do but we sat down and pulled out our area book and called
potential investigators that missionaries in the past had met. We called about
30 people and we had many say they weren't interested, they didn't live in
California anymore, or they just didn't answer. We don't usually call people
but these people didn't have addresses so that's why we called them. BUT out of
all those people, we got one call back and he set up a tour with us for that
Well, Saturday the 29th rolled around and we went out to
Covina to visit a member, Valerie. We had an AMAZING talk with her! We talked a
lot about faith and the Atonement and how they both work in our lives. She told
us a lot about her and where she was a year ago and it was just amazing to see
how much the Atonement really does help every single one of us! She's been
through so much the last few years and to talk to her now is awesome! I wish I
had known her a few years ago so I could see the difference but just talking to
her I can see that change. And she taught Relief Society yesterday at church
and she did an amazing job and she talked about one of the talks given at the
Relief Society general broadcast given by Sister Linda S. Reeves titled
"The Lord Has Not Forgotten You." And she shared that she was struggling
the last couple weeks and when we text her to see if we could meet with her,
she knew that God really hasn't forgotten her. It was nice to know that we are
making a difference! We sometimes feel like we're not making a difference but
it's times like these that I know that I'm doing the right thing. Whether it's
helping people who are already members of the church or if it's people who have
a desire to come unto Christ, I know that what I'm out here doing, is right!
On a sad note of Saturday, the guy we set up a tour with
never showed up. We called and texted him but nothing. It was so sad! I just
want him to know the truth and when he didn't show up, it made us sad. Of
course we will call him this week again but we can only do so much. So we are
hoping and praying that he ends up coming on a tour this week!
And yeah, that's about all that happened this week! It
didn't turn out exactly like I was hoping but it was pretty good! And now it's
time to work harder in 2013 than I have in 2012. I'm really looking forward to
this new year and all that it will bring, not only for me as a missionary but
also when I return home in September. There are things in my life that I know
my mission will help me figure out and I'm looking forward to facing those
things when the time comes. But for now, I'm a missionary for The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I'm going to finish my mission on a high
Gotta run but I gotta wish Nate Wheatley a very Happy
Birthday on Wednesday! And to anyone else who's birthday is this week... Sorry
I didn't look at my list so I can't remember if anyone else has a birthday...
Love ya Nate!
Love you all and until next year!! ;)
Love, Sister Rachel Anna Wheatley
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