Hello to all!!!
Right now we are in the laundry room doing our laundry haha :) It's so weird to do laundry with so many people around especially since I'm the only one that ever really used the laundry room upstairs at home!
Things are pretty good here!! It's been a real adjustment this last week. With a very packed shedule of classes, workshops and meals. I'm not used to having to be so scheduled with things. But it is all good!
This weekend was a little hard for me. I kind of had a breakdown because we were learning to much and I'm kind of a perfectionist that not being able to get understand things is hard for me. But I'm lucky that I have a great companion who is there for me and we were able to talk to one of my teachers, Brother Nate, and he really helped me as well. And then last night we had a devotional and Craig A. Cardon of the Seventy spoke and it was really good! The one comment he made that really hit me and helped me with what happened this weekend was "I am here because of what I felt, not because of what I know." And that is totally true for me! I may not know a lot but I know that I am here for a reason and if I try my hardest, God will help me and this mission will be a success.
Also on Sunday at the devotional, no mom we did not have a General Authority, but Richard I. Heaton spoke, he's the administrative director here at the MTC. He said something I like and I hope that I write it how he said it.... "Missionary work is a "perhaps" goal. It may or may not happen, but I do my best because I know this is what I'm suppose to do and the rest I leave up to God." So both Elder Cardon and Richard Heaton gave really good advice that will help me through these 18 months.
And the classes are good! My main teachers are Brother Nate and Brother Pinnock (Bro. Pinnock served in the Netherlands like 2 years ago I think he said...) And they are super good teachers! They really love what they teach and that really helps!
I feel so loved to have gotten packages this week and so many letters from home! Almost everyone else wonders if they are going to get something everyday and thanks to mom I know that I will get something and I feel so blessed! I love recieving letters! They make my day! And also a package from Shellie the first day I got there! I haven't been able to write her a thank you yet but I will soon! But I thought I better mention something here :) And also Bekkah and Jen at DearElder! I love getting packages from you guys! They make me smile so much! I love you guys and miss working with you!
I only have 10 min left so I better hurry....
We got started right away with learning how to teach investigators. We are teaching James (aka Bro. Nate) and Daniel (aka Bro. Pinnock) and things are going ok... It's really hard for me to do role play but I'm trying.... We got both of them to read the BoM and James is really taking to it. Daniel on the other hand is a deep thinker so it's a little harder to teach him. Plus for both of them our first time teaching them was a total fail! It was HORRIBLE!! But it was our first time and that's why we are at a training center, it will get better! Then yesterday we started teaching in the TRC and teaching a real investigator (or at least we think she is...) And she totally called us out on all the bad that we did. It was horrible and depressing. But I know that if we try our best, and trust in the Lord, we will be able to teach her what she needs to learn!
Just a couple things before I have to get off and then I'll write you a letter during the week on other things you asked me about or things I want to tell you.. The thing about the $4000 freeze-dried meats/cheese order, SO cool! That's a lot of stuff! So happy for the ward and all they are doing to get prepared!
Dad, Sister Lehman's mom served in Holland in 1981.... I'm trying to remember when you were there? When was that?
Mom, Sister Erickson is from Cedar City and Sister Debruin is from Sacramento. And in case mom, you didn't put up my other letter LOL for everyone else, my companions name is Sister Lehman. She is from a town in Florida that I've never heard of LOL She reminds me SOOO much of Emily Sabins!
Well, I better go. Time is ending quickly! Like I said, I will try to write a letter during the week with other things that I've been thinking about.
I love you all and I'm so thankful for all the love and support and prayers that I feel! Thank you!
Sister Rachel Wheatley :)
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